How to Write a “Thank You” Email That Keeps Customers Coming Back

Having a consumer purchase an item from your ecommerce site is a definite win. If you play your cards right, it can also be an impetus to have the customer return again and again to purchase even more products or services. Making this happen and inspiring the consumer to spread the word about your ecommerce business is one of the best ways to ensure the success of your small business.

One of the ways to solidify a good experience in a customer’s mind is to send an email thanking them for their purchase once it is complete. Not convinced this is the case? Below are some reasons why it's important to write a “thank you for your purchase” email, as well as some tips to craft an email that helps your business grow and thrive.

The Importance of Saying “Thank You!”

In recent decades, the all-important “thank you!” has slid to the wayside—people are simply too busy or distracted to bother. Many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that a “thank you” isn't necessary since the customer gets a win by buying a quality product that serves them well.

Unfortunately, they don't see the big picture. Competition in the business world is fierce, and there's always another company that will do the product just as well—and in some cases, even better. This is why using excellent customer service every time makes a huge difference in how well your company succeeds.

Most consumers won't have any feelings one way or the other about a product as long as it gets the job done and proves to be of good quality. However, they will have a warm, cozy feeling about the ecommerce business if the business seems to truly appreciate the choice to spend hard-earned money at their business over the competition.

The Process of Thanking Customers

After the item has been delivered, follow up with an email thanking the customer for their purchase. This effort again lets the customer know that you're thankful that they chose to do business with your company instead of the plethora of other businesses that they could have purchased a similar product from.

This extra attention to detail will be remembered by satisfied customers, gaining you more of their business in the future. It will also inspire them to mention your trustworthy and courteous ecommerce business to their friends and family, and perhaps even on social media. All entrepreneurs should love and appreciate the immense value of this type of free advertisement.

Pro Tip: As an added bonus, always include a “thank you” on the invoice that is shipped with the item. This lets the customer know immediately that you appreciate their business. Additionally, include a telephone number or website address where they can contact your business if they have any problems at all with the item when they receive it or in the future.

Writing the Perfect “Thank You” Email

Have someone on your staff draft up an email to send to your customers after an item has been delivered. The body of the email should be short and sweet so that the customer doesn't get bored or distracted, and it doesn't take up more than a minute or two of their time. Some details that will make this email memorable (and one that is appreciated by the consumer) include:

  1. Use the customer's first name in the greeting, instead of something generic like “Dear Customer.” This makes the email seem more personable, as if the customer is a welcome friend to the business.
  2. The first line in the body of the email should thank the consumer for their recent purchase. It isn't necessary to name the exact item—you can simply say “for your purchase.” This makes it possible to send a generic email to everyone who purchases from your site.
  3. The second line should include information on how to contact customer service if there is a problem. Invite the person to call or email if they felt that the service or product wasn't optimal, or if they have any questions or problems with the item in the future.
  4. The third line should mention a new “hot” product, or a product that is soon to be released that you think the customer might be interested in.
  5. On the last line, invite the customer to return to the website again for any future shopping needs.
  6. The closing should thank the customer again for choosing your business.

The benefits your business will derive from sending out a short, appreciative “thank you” email will make a world of difference in how the customer perceives the company. If the individual was pleased with the purchase, the email helps remind them of that fact and the company name. If the customer had an issue, the email lets the person know that you and your team are willing to do everything possible to make it right.

Sending a “thank you” email may seem to be an antiquated idea, but most people yearn for old-fashioned appreciation and gratitude when it comes to choosing where to spend their hard-earned money.