We love to hear stories about our merchants’ ecommerce journeys, so we’re sharing them for you to enjoy as well. Read on to learn about how Alpaca Blankets has found success with their online store (via Larry Tomon, Owner).
What inspired you to start your online store?
I was seeking something to do after I retired that didn’t look like my high-tech career, that would keep me busy as a part-time activity—keep my mind and body physically active while learning new industries and expanding my ecommerce knowledge. Alpaca is the farthest from high-tech I think I could get, since I didn’t know what Alpaca was when I began researching what I wanted to do. What began as a simple part-time endeavor to stay busy is now a full-time business and then some, depending on time of year. “Be careful what you wish for,” as they say.

What is your favorite part of running an ecommerce business?
The level of activity. An ecommerce business is more than just posting a product onto a web site. Yes, it’s about the product or service you’re offering, but it’s even more about the marketing, positioning, photos, videos, descriptions, customer service, being responsive to customers, packaging, delivery, etc. It all begins with your products and includes how easy and comfortable it is for customers to navigate your website and complete the order process.

What do you like most about Volusion’s ecommerce solution?
I appreciate Volusion’s ease-of-use. Also, I’ve used the marketing services a few times over the past 11 years. Two years ago, we did an update of our website and the marketing service team did an outstanding job—the resulting increase in traffic has been exciting and rewarding.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received about running your business?
The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to keep your website refreshed, descriptions accurate, and photos as professional as possible.

What does the future hold for your business?
As the business continues to grow, many opportunities will present for consideration. We will take those considerations as they appear and make decisions based on existing conditions and desires to move forward, if they benefit the business.