The world of pinning has grown tremendously since Pinterest’s launch in 2010. A pin is no longer just a wrestling move – it’s become the core component of a network that shares ideas and inspiration between over 100 million active users. But sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly how best to use this platform for a new business and its goals. If you fall into this category, read on for some advice on how Pinterest can work to inspire and grow your brand.
1. Regular pinning is a first step toward building your presence.
Users are seeking rich visual experiences, so keep this in mind as you organize your pins into thematic boards. Only post high-resolution images and include descriptions with relevant keywords so that your pins appear in user searches. Hashtags don’t actually make your pins more searchable on Pinterest, so you can leave those out.
2. New brands must work even harder than those that are more established to build their reputations.
On Pinterest, this means diversifying pins to include not only the products they’re selling, but also the lifestyle that those products promote. Say, for instance, you’re selling soy candles. Create boards around themes for using your candles: cozy winter evenings, summer nights gathered around a table in the yard, quiet moments to relax. These visualizations will provide your audience with some context for what possibilities your candles may provide, and it’s likely they’ll relate to at least one of the themes you’re promoting.
3. Engage with your industry’s influencers.
They won’t know you yet, but make it a part of your routine to check what they’re pinning, and interact with them about it. After a while, they’ll start to see what it is you’re building – and will probably reciprocate your efforts. As you build these relationships, you might consider partnering with influential guest pinners. Create a group board and invite other users to contribute pins to it. This will attract new followers and spark interest in your brand from industry authorities.
4. Promoting pins will put you in control of the face of your brand.
Even if it’s just a couple, select the pins that best showcase your brand and get them out there. Promoted pins don’t look like blatant ads – they’re tucked neatly into Pinterest’s interface with a clean, beautiful presentation that will get your pin noticed for the right reasons, and not because of an annoying, flashy display. Whatever your budget may be, promoted pins will give your brand an extra boost, and you’ll see engagement build with views, likes and repins.
5. A key factor to remember about Pinterest is the longevity of the pins you post.
The lifespan of a tweet rarely exceeds a few minutes, and Facebook posts stream newsfeeds for a few hours, but pins – they’re up for months, if not years. That’s largely because the idea behind Pinterest is to inspire futures. Whether that’s through a crafts project or spring fashion, users see pins they like and try to figure out how to incorporate them into their own lives. This isn’t to say that seasonal pins are no good (they are indeed very popular, and will most likely cycle through waves of engagement as seasons cycle). In general, though, your pins will be in the midst of relevant searches all the time, and for the long run.
Gaining a loyal following for new brands takes time, and Pinterest is no exception. Be patient with the process – and enjoy it! Your followers will see the authenticity, and you’ll be happier for it, too.
Got any tips for best using Pinterest? Leave them in the comments!