Once you’ve added the Store Locator block to your theme, click the block to edit it.
Create your project in GCP
- Visit Google Cloud Platform and click Create Project.
- Add a project name in the associated field.
- Choose your billing account from the drop-down menu provided.
- Click Create.
Add the required APIs to your project in GCP
- Scroll down and click Geocoding API (not Geolocation API).
- Click the Enable button.
- Once enabled, click the back arrow in the top right to return to the APIs list.
- Repeat steps 3a-3c for Maps JavaScript API, Maps Static API, and Maps Embed API.
Set up the Google Maps API Key in GCP
- From the Credentials page, click Credentials in APIs & Services.
- Click + Create Credentials at the top and select API Key from the drop-down menu that appears.
- Click Restrict Key.
- Add a name in the associated field (example: “Store Locator - Google Maps API Key”).
- Under “Application restrictions,” click HTTP referrers (websites).
- Click Add an Item and add each of the referrers below:
- localhost/*
- *volusion.com/*
- your-subdomain.myvolusion.com/* (Update with your actual sub-domain.)
- your-domain.com/* (Update with your actual domain. If you do not have one yet, you can update this list later.)
- Under “API Restrictions,” click Restrict key and select Maps JavaScript API, Maps Static API, and Maps Embed API.
- Click Save.
- Copy the string of characters under “Key” in the “Google Maps API Key” row.
- Go back to your Volusion store and paste the string of characters into the “Google Maps API Key” field in the left panel.
Set up the Geocoding API Key in GCP
- From your GCP Enabled APIs list, click Geocoding API and navigate to the Credentials tab.
- Click Credentials in APIs & Services.
- Click + Create Credentials at the top and select API Key from the drop-down menu that appears.
- Click Restrict Key.
- Add a name in the associated field (example: “Store Locator - Geocoding API Key”).
- Under “API Restrictions,” click Restrict key and select the Geocoding API (not the Geolocation API).
- Click Save.
- Copy the string of characters under “Key” in the “Geocoding API Key” row.
- Go back to your Volusion store and paste the string of characters into the “Geocoding API Key” field in the left panel.
Confirm your GCP billing to complete setup
- Click the three lines in the top left-hand corner and select Billing.
- Link or manage your billing account and follow the prompts to finalize your billing.
Confirm your address and coordinates in your Volusion store
- Click your store name under “Stores” in the left panel.
- Verify your address, hours, phone, and latitude/longitude. If you need to get coordinates for your store:
- Open Google Maps and locate your store location.
- Right-click your store location on the map and select What’s here? from the drop-down menu that appears.
- A box will appear at the bottom with the coordinates in the format “latitude, longitude.” Copy each number and paste it in the appropriate field in your Volusion store.
When you have finished adding all applicable information to the left panel in your Volusion store, click the Done button at the bottom.